Student Attendance Expectations

We recognize the importance of daily school attendance.  It plays a vital role in relation to  student academic performance, graduation, and  success in the workplace. We also know that students who attend class regularly, and are provided instruction by a qualified teacher, have a greater chance of reaching their high school goal of graduation and beyond. Discovery Regional High School strives to improve our students’ academic success through improved school attendance.  All students are expected to attend class each evening in order to remain on track with their coursework. 

Students under 16 years of age are required to attend class to meet the state mandated attendance requirements (August-May)

**Students under 16 years of age can meet Mandatory Attendance Requirements by: 

1. The expectation is for students to attend classes ON CAMPUS two (2) hours per night: Monday  through Thursday, and total eight (8) hours per week. 

2. Students approved for REMOTE LEARNING must be logged in from off campus for 16 hours per  week: Monday through Thursday. If a REMOTE LEARNING student attends on campus for one  hour, they will receive 2 hours of credit towards their 16 hours per week. 

3. For absences approved by Site Directors for any medical related condition or symptoms,  students will be required to log in virtually and work 16 hours per week until their return. 

Long term absences for any other medical conditions should be requested through the Hospital  Homebound process. Please contact the Discovery site for information.   Discovery Regional High School Board of Education policy and procedures reflect the state laws and Georgia  Board of Education policy. 

Discovery Regional High School Social Workers will contact families when students under 16 years of age do not meet the time requirements (8 hours on campus or 16 hours virtually) for two weeks within a month.  If absenteeism persists for more than 2 consecutive months without remedy, contact will be  made with the local Juvenile Court, Attendance Panel, or Children in Need of Services panel for support. 

Discovery Regional High School Board of Governance policy and procedures reflect the state laws and Georgia Board of Education policy. Excused absences are those designated by state law, State Board of Education policy, and Discovery Regional High School Board policy.