
Dr. Rowland Cummings

Hello and Welcome to Discovery Regional High School,


Congratulations on being part of the launching of the first Department of Education Completion School, Discovery Regional High School (Zone 7). We are excited about the opportunity to work with students and parents. The staff is here to support you in reaching your educational goals. We are a non-traditional program created to remove as many barriers as possible that interfere with students graduating from high school. 


In order for students to be successful, we will need the cooperation of both parents and students. We need students to attend classes regularly and be attentive. Instruction will be delivered through a blended model of an online curriculum and face-to-face instruction. 


Please review the student handbook for further information that will assist you. Once again, welcome to Discovery Regional High School as we “Discover the Possibilities,” and “Reach for the Stars!”


Dr. Rowland Cummings


Discovery Regional High School